ROLO LEDESMA likes drawing women, bikes, and guns.
KEITH MCCLEARY likes writing about mutants, robots, and mutant robots.

CURVES & BULLETS is the ultimate comic we'd want to read -- or, rather, every comic we'd ever want to read, all at once. C&B is meant to evoke that feeling you got when you were 12 and gorging yourself on Ninja Turtles comics, Heavy Metal magazines, your first album with a Parental Advisory Sticker, The Road Warrior on VHS, old MAD anthologies and PG-13 movies your parents told you not to watch.
CURVES & BULLETS was originally published as a single-issue run of 200 copies and sold at New York Comic Con in October 2012, where it sold out over the course of that weekend. That seemed like a pretty solid start. So we decided to make a website. Put it online. Work on a second issue.
Stuff real comic book guys do.
CURVES & BULLETS is an ultraviolent gonzo-punk sensibility, a grungy vintage aesthetic, and a post apocalyptic landscape of rampaging biker gangs from outer space.
It's also just a two-buck download. Get on that sh*t, ponyboy.